The Return-It Online Activity Book Is Now Live!

Have you ever played recycling games and learned about recycling in an interactive way? Return-It has created the first-of-its-kind online recycling activity book for schools and their students which is now officially live!
Sorting games, science labs, and colouring pages - we've got them all.
The online activity book features true and false questions about recycling beverage containers, information on match codes, interesting facts about recovering beverage containers and more.
Schools can now get access to the online activity book from the Teacher Tools and Tips webpage, which can be found on the Teacher’s Dashboard. The page also features various perks, such as a free Presentation Kit, bottle drive tips and cool stats & facts about recycling.
If you still want to order our printed activity books, we’ve got you covered.
Our printed activity books can be requested as part of the video presentation kit, and they now feature more games, recycling tips and tricks, and of course, our favourite Return-It comic.
Get access to the activity book today and other program perks at!
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