Anahim Lake Jr. Secondary’s community recycling initiative

Students at Anahim Lake Jr. Secondary School, located in the remote Cariboo region village of Anahim Lake, know how important a fundraiser can be. Attending a remote school of just 48 students means the cost of field trips can be sky-high, so they’ve been banding together to raise funds for annual school trips with bottle drives since 2014!
Anahim Lake bottle drives do more than just fund field trips, though – through their efforts, the students have visibly cleaned up their community by getting all of its residents on board with keeping recyclables off the streets.
This past school year, Anahim Lake Jr. Secondary has collected over 70,000 beverage containers! Their refunds have supported them on school activities and trips, including their annual trip to Bella Coola to release salmon the students raise from eggs each year into the river.
Anahim Lake students plan to use their contest winnings to support further educational field trips.
Congratulations to Anahim Lake Jr. Secondary! The hard work and dedication of each student who took part in the Return-It School Contest makes it clear that we can all make a difference for the environment. We couldn’t be more excited to see how each school’s innovative environmental programming develops in the coming years!
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